28 ideas para hacer con resina


28 Ideas super divertidas para hacer con Resina! Si te gustaría aprender más sobre este hermoso arte y emprender desde casa, te invitamos a que te registres en el Programa de Diseño de Joyería y Accesorios en Resina.

Aprenderás todo lo que necesitas saber, para hacer y vender estas joyas y accesorios artísticos llenos de color y combinaciones únicas, tu imaginación será el límite.

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14 Comments to “28 ideas para hacer con resina”

  • Ashanti Wells dice:

    I wanted to start getting into jewlrey next and you sparked my brain…thank you!

  • Clare Friend dice:

    Just found your channel. You are so very creative. I have purchased some supplies and can’t wait to try this . I hope you are selling these. I’m in the USA and would purchase some items if you have an on line shop.

  • Emeraldstar dice:

    Wow very cool ! Thank you for sharing, i really loved the sphere idea can hardly wait to try it!!

  • Kate Antolini dice:

    So creative! Longest video I’ve ever wanted to watch on YouTube! Love all your artwork

  • Liz Blameuser dice:

    You are absolutely brilliant! Thanks for sharing..❤️

  • Helen Gevaux dice:

    Hi I’m just starting out in doing Resin , you have given me some fab ideas, thank you so much , your work is amazing x

  • Miss Anjiara Begum dice:

    Your work is crystal clear. Thanks for sharing.

  • Ulrike Krause dice:

    Absolutely adore your creations, but could you maybe link the materials you’re using? For example the “mountain” molds from 0:32 or which kind of resin you used

  • Connie Elliott dice:

    I’ve got some really cool ideas that I can try with hot glue, can’t wait to try them out

  • Vilk dice:

    Здравствуйте, а какую Вы использовали жидкость для изделий?

  • Lisa Vornhagen dice:

    I love all of your ideas! Especially the straw earrings. How do you keep the resin from coming out of the bottom while waiting for it to cure?

  • Sara J Hodges dice:

    So creative yes! Thank you for sharing your art work! I love it!

  • sandra graves dice:

    Your projects are wonderful. Background music not so much.

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