Como usar las boquillas rusas para decorar cupcakes


En este video aprenderás a usar las boquillas rusas para hacer decoraciones increibles! Después de ver este tutorial verás que tu imaginación es el límite para decorar lindos cupcakes!


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18 Comments to “Como usar las boquillas rusas para decorar cupcakes”

  • Carolena Shaw dice:

    I have been cake decorating for over 25 years and have been trying for years to figure out how to load a piping bag without all the mess. I have tried to design a holder for the piping bags. But all you need to do is to put the bag in a glass an Absolutely Brilliant idea!!!. using a bag clip on the icing bag, also Brilliant.!!!

  • Marina Prema Z. dice:

    What an excellent tutorial! The detail, the filming angles, everything! Congratulations and thank you!

  • One Italia dice:

    Do you have the recipe for the best frosting to use? I know perfect consistency icing is the key to any good decoration. Did I miss the recipe? Thank you for the thorough demonstration…..I wish you could leave the words up longer so I could read the entire sentence. Thank you so much! ♡

  • Margi dice:

    I got a set of these for my birthday last week. I just found your video and now cannot wait to have a go using them.

  • W and S dice:

    When I was a kid, we had a cookie press that had the same designs to use to make butter cookies at Christmas time. These are nothing new, only smaller for piping.

  • Antonio Marcos Da Silva dice:

    Isto é O sonho do confeiteiro eu nunca vi UMA pessoa sequer que tem este conjunto de ferramentas de confeitaria e o meu sonho É ser uma confeiteira
    Não tenho mais nada a dizer,só que já garantiu uma inscritá e parabéns pelo trabalho

  • Evelyn Mizzelle dice:

    This is an awesome tutorial , great instruction. This has really helped me

  • Virginia Santisteban dice:

    Una maravillosa y excelente colección de boquillas para decorar cualquier pastel o tarta.

  • Vành Khuyên Lê dice:

    It looks so good. Thank you for your technique!

  • Welsh Mountain Soap dice:

    your flowers are fantastic, i am trying to follow your tips to make them in soap, (i had a stroke at the begining of lockdown and started making soap as therapy, so now hoping to make it look amazing with flowers, will let you know how i get on, xx

    • Joel Kitchen dice:

      Just read your comment and wanted to extend well wishes on your continued recovery journey from your stroke. Hope all is well. God bless.

    • resti rachma dice:

      Hi, i’m making soap too and also want to try Russian Nozzle, i’m sorry about your stroke, hope everything gets better xx

  • Seren dice:

    My favorite was towards the end, the yellow roses. My nana will be gone a year this month and they were her favorite. Maybe I’ll have to make those in her honor. Thank you. ❤️

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